How to use a valve grinding machine

How to Use a Valve Grinding Machine: A Step-by-Step Guide


A valve grinding machine is a specialized tool used in automotive and engine maintenance to restore the smooth functioning of engine valves. In this article, we will guide you through the process of using a valve grinding machine effectively and discuss whether these machines are worth having.

How to Use a Valve Grinding Machine

Follow these steps to properly use a valve grinding machine:

  1. Preparation: Start by cleaning the valves and valve seats thoroughly. Remove any dirt, debris, or carbon buildup using a suitable cleaning solvent. Ensure that the valves and seats are dry before proceeding.
  2. Mounting the Valves: Install the valves into the valve grinding machine’s collets or chucks. Ensure that the valves are securely held in place to prevent movement during the grinding process.
  3. Grinding Compound Application: Apply a small amount of valve grinding compound to the valve face. This compound acts as an abrasive and helps in the grinding process by removing material from the valve and creating a smooth surface.
  4. Engaging the Machine: Adjust the machine’s settings, such as speed and direction, according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Start the machine and carefully bring the grinding wheel in contact with the valve face. Use light pressure to avoid excessive material removal.
  5. Grinding Process: Move the valve back and forth horizontally and in a circular motion to evenly distribute the grinding action. Continuously monitor the valve face to ensure that you achieve a uniform and polished surface. Take frequent breaks to prevent overheating and maintain optimal grinding efficiency.
  6. Cleaning: After grinding each valve, wipe away the excess grinding compound using a clean cloth or rag. Thoroughly clean the valve and seat to remove any residual compound before moving on to the next valve.
  7. Lapping Process (Optional): If necessary, you can perform a lapping process to further refine the valve and seat contact surfaces. Lapping involves applying a fine abrasive paste and manually rotating the valve to achieve a precise fit.
  8. Final Inspection: Once you have completed the grinding and optional lapping process for all valves, carefully inspect the valve faces and seats. They should exhibit a smooth and evenly ground surface.

Are Valve Grinding Machines Worth Having?

Valve grinding machines can be valuable tools for individuals who frequently work on engines or perform automotive maintenance. Here are some factors to consider when deciding if a valve grinding machine is worth having:

  • Frequency of Use: If you regularly work on engines or perform valve maintenance, owning a valve grinding machine can be beneficial. It allows you to restore and maintain valve performance conveniently and cost-effectively.
  • Cost Savings: Having a valve grinding machine eliminates the need to visit a professional machine shop for valve maintenance. Over time, this can result in significant cost savings.
  • Control and Convenience: By owning a valve grinding machine, you have control over the entire grinding process. You can ensure precise grinding and take care of valve maintenance at your convenience.
  • Learning Curve: Operating a valve grinding machine requires some skill and knowledge. If you are new to engine maintenance, it is essential to learn the proper techniques and seek guidance to avoid damaging the valves.

Ultimately, the decision of whether a valve grinding machine is worth having depends on your specific needs, level of expertise, and frequency of use.


How does a boring machine work?

A boring machine works by rotating cutting tools, such as boring bars or drill bits, to remove material and create precise holes in a workpiece.

How to use a valve grinding machine?

To use a valve grinding machine, start by cleaning the valves and seats, mounting the valves in the machine, applying grinding compound, engaging the machine, moving the valve back and forth during grinding, cleaning the valve after grinding, and performing a final inspection.

Are valve grinding machines worth having?

Valve grinding machines can be worthwhile for individuals who frequently work on engines or perform automotive maintenance. They offer cost savings, control, and convenience, but require some skill and knowledge to operate effectively.

Can valve grinding machines damage valves?

Improper use of a valve grinding machine can potentially damage valves. It is crucial to follow proper techniques, apply light pressure, and avoid excessive grinding to prevent damage to the valve face.

How often should valves be ground?

The frequency of valve grinding depends on various factors such as engine usage, condition, and maintenance history. It is recommended to consult the engine manufacturer’s guidelines or seek advice from automotive professionals to determine the appropriate valve maintenance schedule.


Using a valve grinding machine allows you to restore engine valves to their optimal condition, ensuring smooth engine performance. By following the step-by-step guide and considering the factors discussed, you can effectively use a valve grinding machine and determine if it is a valuable addition to your automotive maintenance toolkit.

Date icon 07.23.2023

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